I was having a hard time to export R graphs to OpenOffice.org on MAC OS. I did research it. I finally figured it out.
1), you wanna download Oracle PDF Import Extension (http://extensions.services.openoffice.org/project/pdfimport?intcmp=1549). This import plugin is now. Yet, it seems to work well for importing R graphs saved in PDF 2). Here is how you use it.
2) Import your PDF graph in OpenOffice once the PDF import plugin is installed. You graph is displayed in an OODraw window. You can easily post-process it there, if you like.
3) select all of your graph and copy it.
4) open or switch to a text document in OOWriter, or to a presentation in OOPresenter, and paste your graph there. This is a little long but has the advantage of allowing further edition of your graph in place, just by double-clicking in it!
Now I can easily use R to do project and OpenOffice.org on my MAC! hehe
Good Luck,